On my day job we use TeamCity from JetBrains as the Continous Integration solution. It works really well, looks good and has a plug-in for eclipse even. So I thought I'd install it at home too.
Now, I have glassfish as an app server. I like JEE application servers, I think they are neat, I want my glassfish to deploy all my JEE applications. So i found the WAR-download of TeamCity. I read the installation instructions which required me to set some environment flag to change the default location for data directory (I keep my variable files in /var thank you very much, not in some wierd directory in $HOME).
I deploy the application and I am presented with a blank page.
Looking in the log file it says that I have no database definition in my data directory - yeah, like, how the hell could I since I have no clue what you are talking about.
So back to the instructions here http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/TCD7/TeamCity+Data+Directory. I suspect that I must have _all_ the configuration in place before I deploy the WAR file, at least http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-20362 seems to say that. So in order for me to deploy the WAR-file I must first download and run the Netty-integrated installer to create the directories?!?!
Hello Jenkins, goodbye TeamCity
Hi! The isue is not in the data directory, but rather in TeamCity/Glassfish incompatibility, see http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-11275